Varicose veins are a common disease characterized by an increase in the lumen of blood vessels, a malfunction of the valve apparatus and the onset of reverse blood flow. The pathological process can be localized in different places, so there are several types of the disease:
- expansion of the veins of the esophagus;
- rectal veins (hemorrhoids);
- veins of the small pelvis;
- veins of the spermatic cord (varicocele);
- veins of the lower limbs.
Varicose veins of the legs are considered the most common. According to some estimates, more than 30% of the population suffer from it, mostly women. Varicose veins on the legs are not only ugly bulging veins, but also a lot of unpleasant sensations and inconveniences. The pathological process is accompanied by severity, pain, edema and often leads to dangerous complications: thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, trophic ulcers. Many would like to know how to get rid of varicose veins forever, as it significantly impairs the quality of life. But, unfortunately, this phenomenon is irreversible and the only thing that can be achieved is to stop or slow down the development of the disease.
The causes of varicose veins are still not clearly understood. It is understood that the disease is associated with thinning, weakness and loss of elasticity of the vascular wall, as well as valve incompetence. As a result, the veins become irregularly dilated, elongated, long, twisted, nodular. A genetic predisposition is believed to play a decisive role in the onset of the disease, that is, from birth, weak vessels and defective valves.
There are a number of factors that contribute to the development of varicose veins, although they are not its causes:
- Heredity (according to experts, the risk of the disease in people whose parents suffer from it is up to 70%).
- Belonging to the female sex. This is due to hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy and menopause, as well as taking hormonal contraceptives and wearing high-heeled shoes.
- Work activity associated with a long stay on the legs or in a sitting position (hairdressers, salesmen, surgeons, waiters, drivers, accountants, programmers and others).
- Old age, in which the weakening of the blood vessel walls and the wear of the valvular apparatus is a natural phenomenon.
- Operational interventions.
- Sedentary lifestyle.
- Increased intra-abdominal pressure due to overweight, pregnancy, heavy lifting (loaders, weightlifters), frequent exertion with chronic constipation and cough.
Methods of treatment
Varicose veins are a chronic process that begins gradually and only progresses over time. To date, it is impossible to completely defeat the disease, but it is possible to slow down the development and reduce symptoms if complex treatment is applied, which includes:
- lifestyle change;
- diet;
- physiotherapy exercises;
- compression therapy;
- drugs (for internal use and local administration);
- Surgical intervention;
- thermal procedures;
- folk methods.
You will have to fight varicose veins for life. Self-medication should not be done. It is necessary to be examined by a phlebologist or a vascular surgeon, who will diagnose, determine the stage of the disease and the severity of the lesion and prescribe the appropriate treatment. The main task is to remove or reduce clinical manifestations, stop progression, prevent relapses and the development of complications.
The effectiveness of the treatment will depend on the patient's compliance with all the doctor's recommendations. It is important to seek help at an early stage, when there is still no pain, but evening swelling, heaviness and fatigue of the legs, small varicose veins on the skin appeared.
Lifestyle correction
Without changing your lifestyle, it is impossible to effectively deal with varicose veins. The rules to follow are completely trivial, and failure to comply with them is usually associated with a lack of willpower or an irresponsible attitude towards one's health.
- Maintaining normal body weight.
- Separate from bad habits: alcohol and smoking.
- Refusal to sunbathe, visit Turkish baths and saunas, take hot baths (including foot baths).
- Refusal from high heels (no higher than 4-5 cm).
- Wear a special stretch shirt.
- Provide physical activity. This can be walking, swimming, physiotherapy exercises, some sports. The main thing is to exclude squats, weight lifting, long-distance running, jumping, martial arts.
- Proper nutrition. The diet should contain more fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, whole grains, seafood. It is advisable to reduce the amount of meat. It is necessary to give up smoked, fried, salty, fat. From drinks, favor green tea, clean water, fruit drinks, natural fresh juices, and limit coffee.
- Use every opportunity during the day to raise your legs at an angle of about 20 degrees.
- Buy a special pillow for the legs so that they are above the level of the heart during sleep.
- Try to rinse your feet with cold water as often as possible.
Compression therapy
The special stretch jersey is now available in a vast assortment. These are knee-highs, stockings, tights of different colors and densities, which practically do not differ from ordinary ones. They have become a good alternative to elastic bandages, uncomfortable in use and apparently unsightly.
The special mesh is unable to treat varicose veins, but improves microcirculation, reduces stress on the veins, prevents blood stagnation, reduces the diameter of blood vessels and improves the outflow of venous blood and lymph. A person feels lightness in the legs, in the evening he gets less tired, there is no swelling.

In the beginning, without the habit of wearing compression stockings by hand, it will be difficult. To make things easier for you, you can purchase a special device.
There are four classes of medical knitwear, depending on the pressure applied. You can only wear products of the 1st compression class, which are considered condoms and are intended rather for healthy people. The rest should be prescribed by a doctor, depending on the diagnosis and severity of varicose veins. You should be aware that compression products may be contraindicated for some diseases. Tights or stockings are selected by the doctor strictly according to the size, otherwise the desired effect will not be.
Pharmacological treatment
For the treatment of varicose veins, tablets and external agents in the form of gels, creams and ointments of various spectrum of action are used. They increase vascular tone, improve microcirculation, promote blood outflow and prevent skin changes. The medications are designed to relieve fatigue, heaviness, discomfort, swelling, itching, cramps and pain in the legs. They are assigned strictly individually.
The main means of treating varicose veins are venotonics. They are made from horse chestnut, rutin, grape leaves and are almost always well tolerated by patients. Available in the form of tablets, capsules, gels.

It is necessary to apply a gel or cream on the legs with varicose veins daily and rub with light movements.
Anticoagulants are used to reduce blood viscosity and reduce the likelihood of thrombophlebitis. These are heparin-based ointments with refreshing additives in the form of menthol, camphor, eucalyptus. In addition to thinning the blood, they prevent the development of thrombophlebitis.
For skin changes that cause itching, antihistamines may be prescribed. For inflammation, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pills are prescribed.
Surgical intervention
To eliminate varicose veins, operations are performed to remove the affected part of the vessel in order to stop the discharge of blood from the superficial to the deep vein. The operation is called phlebectomy. In its classical form, it is used less and less today in connection with the emergence of new, less traumatic ways of treating varicose veins. Such treatment, as a rule, is indicated for large vein diameters and advanced cases of the disease.
A gentler method is microflebectomy, in which a section of a vein is removed in parts and not through an incision, but through a puncture.
Thermal methods
Radiofrequency ablation is considered the safest and least traumatic method of treating varicose veins, although it has some contraindications. The method consists in the thermal effect of microwaves, as a result of which the venous lumen is closed. Main advantages:
- outpatient treatment;
- there is no need for anesthesia and incision;
- recovery does not take long;
- the procedure is easily tolerated;
- it can be done in summer;
- there are no bruises after treatment, swelling and pain are insignificant.

Radiofrequency ablation is a low traumatic method for the treatment of varicose veins.
Laser coagulation is another method of varicose vein treatment. During the procedure, a laser is applied to the vessel wall. The radiation leads to the adhesion of the venous walls and the complete closure of the lumen. It is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia without incisions. A catheter is inserted into the lumen of the vein, through which an LED is inserted and radiation is provided. The procedure is not very traumatic, complications are very rare.
This non-surgical method is one of the most common. It is used on small veins and as part of a complex treatment along with surgery. The bottom line is that a special medicine with a sclerosing effect is injected into a vein using a fine needle. As a result, the vessel walls merge, close, and disrupt blood flow. The affected vein turns into a fibrous cord. The main advantages of the method:
- outpatient treatment;
- low invasiveness;
- ease of execution;
- the duration of the procedure is about 20 minutes;
- good cosmetic effect.

If the disease has started, a complication such as deep vein thrombosis can develop.
Traditional methods
Walnut tincture
Pour the chopped unripe walnuts into a glass dish and pour the olive oil over them. Put in the sun for 40 days. Apply as needed, lubricating the affected area. Continue the treatment for about four months.
cabbage leaf
Beat a cabbage leaf, apply a layer of olive oil on one side, apply this side to the diseased area, bandage and leave for a day. Continue the treatment for a month.
Horse chestnut
This is one of the most effective folk remedies. For the treatment of varicose veins, a tincture is prepared from the fruits of the plant, which must be crushed, half-filled in a glass container (three liters) and filled with vodka. Remove in a dark place for a month, mix from time to time. When ready, rub on sore spots overnight. Alcoholic tincture of chestnut for external and internal use with varicose veins can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Physiotherapy is an integral part of the complex treatment for varicose veins.
When varicose veins appear, the question may arise whether it is possible to engage in physical education and sports, and which exercises are useful. Most doctors agree that physical activity in such a disease is very important, since dynamics are beneficial for the veins, and statics are harmful. But it is equally important to consult with your doctor about what types of sports you can do and what kinds of loads will be optimal. In addition, the patient can be shown special therapeutic exercises, which are performed directly in a medical institution. Simple but effective exercises can also be done at home which, with regular exercise, will help reduce the symptoms of varicose veins.
- Lie on your back, put pillows under your feet so that they rise at a 20 degree angle. Close your eyes, relax completely, breathe deeply.
- In the supine position, raise your legs vertically and rotate your feet alternately in and out.
- Lie on your back and move your legs as if you were riding a bicycle.
- Lie on your back, raise your legs and cross them (scissors).
- Stand up straight, lower your arms, legs together. Get up slowly on your toes, then come down just as slowly.
- Walk in place, don't tear your socks off the floor.
- Sitting in a chair, bend your ankles towards and away from you, then bend your toes the same way.
- Pour an elastic jet of water on the legs (alternately cool and hot).
Varicose veins are an irreversible process, but it must be treated without fail, especially since there are some modern methods that must be used in combination. Without treatment, there is a high risk of developing complications such as chronic venous insufficiency, phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, trophic ulcers, and even a condition so dangerous that it can lead to death, such as pulmonary embolism.